Archive | September, 2010

Unusual Day with Dignity as the Topic

27 Sep

Haakon magnus

Image via Wikipedia

I am so terribly sorry that I haven’t posted ANYTHING the past like forever, and again, I have no excuse, but it’s been a little crazy with homework, and for some reasons, all teachers decides to have big papers and tests and everything crammed into the last week before spring break. Except today were a history test that was postponed until the FIRST day after the break. Which is pretty stupid, but okay. Now the REASON that the test was postponed was because today was a very special occasion for our school. The Crown-Prince of Norway came to visit us. Global Dignity Day, ever heard of that? I’m not too good at explaining it, but it is a good cause. And today was Global Dignity Day at our school. The official day is the 20th of October. Check it out : P

Anyway so he came to our school to talk about Global Dignity. So the security and the “perfectness” of it all was crazy, it was kinda annoying. And first, there was the police cop, and then the BMW SUV, and then the Lexus, and it was like this. We all had our seats in the auditorium, we were to be there by 11.30. Then 11.50 the Prince would arrive. 11.59, 59! it’s not like 12 or 11.58, no, its 11.59, no sooner, no later, the Prince was to enter the room. At exactly 12 o’clock the principal was holding a speech, and exactly 12.02 the Prince himself was speaking. Freaky. And then we all went to our classrooms and talked about what “Dignity” means, and then we were all going to tell a dignity story in little groups, and then for our class, and then two people were elected to tell their story for the whole 12th grade and the Crown Prince.

I would like to telly my dignity story though, because I think it was a really good example, and I was asked to present it for the Prince, but I didn’t want to stand in front of an additional 200 people +. So I refused. But I would like to tell it to you all, whoever wants to read it.

In the 9th grade, I moved to America with my family, to DC. In the school I went to there were a lot of people compared to what I was used to, about 2000 I think. I was alone a lot, everyone kind of already had their friends you know, and in DC, people will come and go quite often because of the embassy, so there were a lot of new kids, and I would see them sit and eat their lunch in the bathrooms and stuff, and me I too ate alone, I found a hallway or something where there were no one else and i sat and ate mu lunch, and I just felt so small, and I hated it. One lunch though, I went to my classroom, still with my map trying to navigate the school, and I didn’t dare going anywhere for fear that I would be lost and late for class. I see a girl sitting there, but she didn’t seem too bad, so I just sat down a couple of feet away from her. I take out my lunch and start eating, and she says to me “You alone too?” in a spanish accent. I nod. “Yeah, I know what you feel” she says, “I don’t have a lot of friends too. Come over here, you can sit with me, is ok” she said, and so I scooted over. We started talking and she told me that I could sith with her on her group in art class, and she introduced me to the other people there, and they ended up becoming quite important to me, and quite close friends. I am forever thankful for this girl, she gave me dignity, and she made me feel like I was worth something, and that  I too could belong in that multicultural melting pot.

I heard a lot of these stories, and some really gave me goosebumps.

I would like to read other people’s dignity stories, if anyone are interested in sharing. Personal, or not, it won’t be used against you, and it is only to see that there are a lot of very simple things that can make another person’s day. And most of all, we find them best in the very small every-day things. Feel free to tell a story. Help others, teach others the value of dignity. I’ve started, and now it’s your turn to continue. If you write a post about it, or have another website related to this topic, feel free to add the link.

Have a great day or night everyone! Spread the importance of dignity! I’ll be back shortly! Ü

Nordic Mythology School Play

15 Sep

"Thor" (1901) by Johannes Gehrts. Th...

Image via Wikipedia

Exactly one week ago we were handed a three-page booklet in Norwegian class. It was a play, from Nordic Mythology, that we had to act out, in a group of five. One was to introduce the play. The second one was the main character, Tor, who lost his hammer. Third was Loke, who was helping Tor getting it back from the bad guys. Forth is Frøya (Freya), the poor girl who had to marry the thief to get Tor’s hammer back. Lastly, it was the troll and thief, Trym. Fair enough, right? However, here is the division of lines to speak:


Frøya: 3%

Trym: 5%

Loke: 40%

Tor: 50% (Image: Tor)

When our little group (of four, not 5 actually, we were missing one) were deciding upon who’s to be who, I said “I can be anything BUT Tor.” Everyone went “aww” and kinda sunk down in their chairs, and so I had no other choice but to be Tor. Now, here is my problem. Tor is manly, macho, big, strong, and angry. Furious you may say. Me, I’m the complete opposite. I’m not very big, certainly not macho, certainly not strong, and I rarely get angry, if this had happened to be, I’d be more freaking out. And when I DO get angry, my voice becomes even higher pitch, and I smile. (Which never gives me a benefit because no one ever takes me seriously because, hey she’s smiling). Think I got a problem? Me too. So the play is today, we had a whole total of ONE SINGLE CLASS PERIOD to practice this, we are supposed to know everything by heart, and be all like them. I have great costumes, I’ll really look like a guy, I’ll do make-up for beard and all. But, I’ll have serious problems acting it out. I hope I can make up for that with my great costume!

So the play is about Tor, who has this hammer thingie, called Mjølner. This is what makes him powerful, and keeps the trolls away. The troll king, Trym, steals it away from him while he sleeps. When Tor wakes up, he can’t find his hammer, and immediately blames Loke because Loke has mixed blood with the trolls and the gods. So he is not trusted completely always. Loke comes running after Tor calls on him, and obviously doesn’t know what Tor is talking about, but eventually get’s the hang of it – that the hammer’s gone, and he says there are only one type of people who would do such a thing. And so they agree that Loke will fly (using Freya’s falconer costume) to the trolls and see what’s going on. He comes back with the news that Trym indeed did steal Mjølner, and he hid her away miles and miles down into the earth, and Tor won’t get it back until he brings him Freya to marry. Freya, of course, doesn’t want to marry Trym, so Tor dresses out like Freya, and when Trym gives “Freya” back the hammer, “she” takes off her bridal costume and kills Trym with the hammer. Pretty simple, a very known story from the Norse mythology.

Wish me luck! I’ll try to get some pics for you : ) Can’t promise anything though !

So now I don’t really have a class, so I’m just blogging, preparing for the play next class. I should probably get dressed at some point soon as well. Do the make-up and all. I have no idea how to do the beard, but I’m going to use eyeliner and hope it works. Better than marker at least, so I can get it away afterwards : )

See you!

My brother’s Birthday Party!

12 Sep

And Mads is here! And he is all dressed up in his suit and we took pictures!

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I’ll see if I can have Mads take pictures of the cakes and stuff, and I’ll post another post : )

Gotta go be “social” now : P

A Beaten Kittie ^^’

10 Sep

Cover of "Memoirs of a Geisha (Widescreen...

Cover via Amazon

It’s what it feels like at least, like I’m all beaten up. It’s been 100% since I woke up this morning, really. I spent the night at Mads house because school was located nearer his house on some beach, and it would just be easier spending the night at his house. So Thursday evening I was so tired I just slept two hours at his house (what a thoughtful guest I am..), and then we went to bed at 9.30 and slept longer, and still poor Mads had to work for 45 minutes to get me out of bed. We walked to “school”, and once there, we walked back and forth on that beach going to different posts of activities. We walked back. I went to the massage girl and got times most painful massage, I wanted to cry. I rush home, change and rush to skating practice. My first practice after summer was last Tuesday, and by this practice I had bruises all over my legs again, it was so painful! Practice was hard, and then I come home to a house full of 13-year-old boys. And on top of it all, I’ve caught a cold. Great.

But enough of my complaining. I had a nice day nonetheless : )

Movies watched: Half of Memoirs Of a Geisha. The reason why we only watched half, was because the online movie thingie only let us see half, and we didn’t notice that before we started watching. By “we” I guess it isn’t too hard to figure out I’m talking about Mads and myself.

Did anyone see this movie? What do you think? I want to dress up as a Geisha now. Might be my Halloween costume this Halloween. I don’t go trick or treating really, but I do like to dress up still :P

Me, I loved this movie. It’s long, but not boring. It’s strong, and I like the Chinese morals or whatever that shine thru a little bit throughout the movie. I really gotta watch the rest of it sometime soon.


Interesting couple of days ahead

10 Sep

Yes quite. We’ll be having a play in Norwegian class, and we got exactly two class periods to work on it. And then we have two class periods less to work on a book we are to read. Friday is some sort of activity day, and so we will be outside on this beach I think, and I’ll be spending the night with Mads because it’s right by his house and he knows where it is, and so I can get there : P Also this Friday, i have an appointment, and my dad is coming home, and it’s my brother’s birthday and he will be having kids over, Saturday mom is working at the art studio thing connected to an art gallery so she is making art while selling it kinda, and I am gonna go with her. Sunday is my brother’s birthday party for family. And doctors appointment is coming up, and I need a hair cut. Badly.

Anyway, Mads is here!! And we are learning how to write blogs. I’d post the emails we get, but it’s in Norwegian. And we also look for ways to advertize ourselves. Let’s face it, we need this, we aren’t the best out there you know. But we are learning. And that is what counts right?

Speaking of learning, I spent my free periods in school today looking at various hair-do tutorials and braiding styles. I found a website that is actually really good. Tons of different hairstyles, well explained, with videos. Click here for the link.

8 Sep


Today: Tons of new ideas

2 Sep

Today I waisted time (but I loved it!) on looking through images on, different personas for Firefox, and looking at page up and page down of photography ideas on dPS, which was actually not waisted time. I got 4 pages of new ideas, and I’m only even half way!

Some of my favourites were:


Any of you do any photographing? What’s your favourite subject? I would love to see some photos!

Sorry this is such a short post. I figured I’d update a little bit, but Criminal Minds suddenly got really interesting.. ^^’ Kind of distracted there.
But right now I am so tired and my neck is hurting, so I think I’m just going to go to bed. I’ll post better posts this weekend.


Mads is here!

1 Sep

Full wool Merino sheep.

Image via Wikipedia

We walked doggie in the woods, and we went to the place where all the sheep are, and it was just a funny moment. I held out a pice of grass and one of the sheep spotted me, and so walked slowly towards me. His fellow sheep then saw me as well, and he followed the first sheep. And then sheep number 3 and 4 also peaked up from behind the hill and they all slowly came towards us, with clear expressions saying “Eh? What’s going on? We must figure this out. This must be some kind of aliens” And they were SO sceptical, and I just stood there with my little leaf in my hand, and they came slowly towards me, stopped, turned to one another as if to say “..should we?” and then continued on. A few meters away from me they all stopped, sheep 1, sheep 2, sheep 3 and sheep 4 all on a line with one in front and the other 3 just right behind him. I had to work not to laugh and just be standing still. Eventually one came over to have my little leaf though :) It was nice going for such a long walk in the woods. The weather is kind of chilly, but not cold, and the air was really fresh. It smelled of cold and forest. It was all quiet and stuff.

Anyway, we took a couple of fun pictures. Now, it’s just from my webcam, using all those fun effects that comes on the PhotoBooth on the macbook. But we had so much fun, and there are so many crazy pictures. I hope our fun times came thru in the photos.

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And we also found the video feature! Lol.

Right, well I couldn’t upload that one..

Speaking of photos, when my dad is back from work this weekend, WITH the DSLR, I am SO going to bring it with me wherever I go and take tons of pictures and really develop my photography skills. I get weekly newsletters by email from DPS, and I am going to use them. I am going to become GOOD. And I am also going to learn to edit them. If you have any tips or tricks on that, btw, please let me know. Remember that I’m a beginner though, so beginner tips would be nice.

Here is the song that we were just listening too!

Breaking Benjamin – Evil Angel

I don’t know if that worked, but yeah.

Have a nice evening!